1.09 - SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is a simple framework into which an individual or a group can organise some thoughts. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and will help you clarify these issues and gain a more strategic understanding of your current situation. A SWOT does not lead directly to new goals or objectives.

SWOT analysis template







Critical Success Factors

Review the items you have listed in your SWOT and consider what needs to happen in each to:

  • build on your strengths
  • eliminate or minimise your weaknesses
  • exploit opportunities (usually using your strengths)
  • develop strategies to deal with threats.

These critical success factors (CSFs) become a key component in formulating your business plan. 

The structure below can be used with writing critical sucess factors:

  • To build on {insert strength} I/we have to {insert action}.
  • To eliminate {insert weakness} I/we have to {insert action}.
  • To exploit {insert opportunity} I/we have to {insert action}.
  • To deal with {insert threat} I/we have to {insert action}.